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old and not resolved strange DNS problem

MensagemEnviado: Dom Dez 15, 2013 2:00 pm
por etelts
Before posting, I searched on the forum about my DNS problem and found this post:


that is exactly my problem.

After the DSL goes down and back up I have not more DNS settup .... and on the BFW web index page the row DNS information had only the title (DNS Information).

My BFW version is 2.32.2 and with previous 2.26 all working fine.

I suspect a mistake in rc.dnsmasq when removing resolv.conf and resolv.dns during DSL go up again but I have no idea about how to debug it.

There are some people that have in the past encounter the some problem that can help me ?

There are some other that have some ideas about this problem ?

Thank in advance,


Re: old and not resolved strange DNS problem

MensagemEnviado: Dom Dez 15, 2013 8:51 pm
por etelts
ok, I have analized the problem.

The problem manifests only after the DSL goes down and back up and NEVER during boot up.

The /etc/rc.d/rc.inet during startup:

1) copy the DNS value from configuration file to /tmp/realdns*
2) after this rc.inet call rc.dnsmasq (that include the /etc/coyote/coyote.conf with the info about the DNS)
3) the rc.dnsmasq if dnsmasq is running:
3a) copy /etc/resolv.dns into /etc/resolv.conf
-> 3b)remove resolv.dns
4) if rc.dnsmasq is not running (but this block is subseguent of the running block and is execute in any case):
-> 4a) remove /etc/resolv.dns
4b) copy /tmp/realdns* in /etc/resolv.conf
4c) if cache dns is YES copy resolv.conf into resolv.dns and set resolv.conf to

As you can seen (looking also the file /etc/rc.d/rc.dnsmasq) the block of code that generating the resolv.conf is executed when dnsmasq
is running and also when it isn't.

For this reason if you running again dnsmasq after DSL go down and return up you try to remove a inexistent file ...

I don't know if this can be the solution but now I have modified the rc.dnsmasq as folow:

Código: Selecionar todos
echo "Generating resolv.conf Configuration file..."
[ -e /etc/resolv.dns ] && rm -rf /etc/resolv.dns       # <----- this originaly was rm -rf /etc/resolv.dns
echo "domain $DOMAINNAME" > /etc/resolv.conf

if anyone has any other ideas ... I am here.


Re: old and not resolved strange DNS problem

MensagemEnviado: Ter Dez 24, 2013 6:45 am
por etelts
ok, mybe resolved !!!

My IP is changed 2 time after the "bug" correction and all working fine ... strange ...but true.

If any one have the same problem, apply what is suggested and probably you resolve !
