BFW 2.32.2 DMZ not working

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BFW 2.32.2 DMZ not working

Mensagempor etelts » Seg Out 16, 2017 7:52 pm


I have an BFW 2.32.2 with 3 nic: eth0 is lan 10.x.x.x, eth1 is modem (191.168.0.x, PPPOE VDSL2), eth2, just mounted, for DMZ on

By web interface:
1) I have set as second lan the eth2 and give it the ip;
2) I have activated the DMZ on the connected to eth2.

But not working nothing !

From outside I can connect all my device on lan 10.x.x.x, but I cannot connect the

I try also to disable the DMZ and open specific ports versus, but from outside, I cannot connect it.

What is wrong ?

Is need to setup other things (MASQUERADING vs 172.16.0.x o other) ?

Can some one help me ?

Thank in advance,

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Registrado em: Sáb Fev 05, 2011 5:29 pm
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Re: BFW 2.32.2 DMZ not working

Mensagempor etelts » Ter Out 17, 2017 12:22 pm


If I open the single port, from outside I can connect to the pc

Is the DMZ that not working.

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BFW Novice
Mensagens: 50
Registrado em: Sáb Fev 05, 2011 5:29 pm
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