Ayuda por favor soy un Novato Squid + SCA  [INACTIVE]

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Ayuda por favor soy un Novato Squid + SCA

Mensagempor emorze » Ter Set 03, 2013 5:14 pm

Hola buenas tardes, les comento hace 2 años que descubri brazilfw y me cam bio la forma de administrar mi negocio, en aquel tiempo realice paso a paso el tutorial de Adslwifi para novatos ( http://www.brazilfw.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?f=86&t=68717 )y todo funciono a la perfeccion, solo agregue el SCA, unos plugins y listo, tenia cacheado Facebook por el pobre ancho de banda que manejo de 1 mb( no hay mas). Al grano el cpu que tenia trabajando se quemo debido a una descarga electrica, todo se fue a la basura, ahora monte otro y al igual realice el tutorial de adslwifi, los valores son los mismos, de hecho el equipo es igual al anterior, y el squid me tira un error

Configuring Squid ...
Check Disk Cache Partition ... Mount!
Cron will be restarted within the next minute
Writing squid.conf file
2013/09/03 17:12:06| aclParseIpData: WARNING: Netmask masks away part of the specified IP in ''
Squid to reconfigure
Flush all old rules or create the chain if it is the first time
Configuring Transparent Proxy to Squid
Forwarding net
2013/09/03 17:12:11| aclParseIpData: WARNING: Netmask masks away part of the specified IP in ''

Información del Sistema
Brazilfw 2.31.10
Versión del Nucleo
Máquina Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz 2392.315
Memoria Ram 1Gb

Ese esel error que me tira, no se que estoy haciendo mal, ya lei muchos temas pero no he podido arreglarlo y el SCA nomas no cachea nada, espero que me puedan ayudar como novato que soy, les estare infinitamente agradecido, les dejo es squid. conf

http_port 8080 transparent
icp_port 0
#SquidCacheAux ACL start
acl store_rewrite_list urlpath_regex \/(get_video\?|videodownload\?|videoplayback.*id)
acl store_rewrite_list_orkut dstdomain .orkut.com .orkut.com.br
cache allow store_rewrite_list_orkut
acl QUERY2 urlpath_regex get_video\? videoplayback\? videodownload\?
cache allow QUERY2
acl youtube dstdomain .youtube.com
cache allow youtube
#SquidCacheAux ACL end
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
cache deny QUERY
cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA
memory_replacement_policy heap GDSF
cache_mem 512 MB
maximum_object_size 512000 KB
minimum_object_size 4 KB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 64 KB
cache_dir diskd /partition/squid/cache 22000 16 256 Q1=72 Q2=64
access_log /partition/squid/logs/access.log
cache_log /partition/squid/logs/cache.log
cache_store_log none

cache_effective_user nobody
cache_effective_group nogroup
pid_filename /var/run/squid.pid
half_closed_clients off
server_persistent_connections off
client_persistent_connections off
memory_pools on
buffered_logs on
pipeline_prefetch on

dns_retransmit_interval 15 seconds

#cache_swap_low 70
#cache_swap_high 90
#SquidCacheAux URL_REWRITE start
url_rewrite_program /etc/SquidCacheAux/redir.pl
url_rewrite_children 5
#SquidCacheAux URL_REWRITE end

#SquidCacheAux refresh_pattern start
refresh_pattern orkut.com/.* 10080 100% 43200 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern orkut.com.br/.* 10080 100% 43200 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload
refresh_pattern (get_video\?|videoplayback\?|videodownload\?) 5259487 99999999% 5259487 override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims ignore-reload ignore-no-cache ignore-private
refresh_pattern (get_video\?|videoplayback\?|videodownload\?|\.flv?) 129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern (get_video\?|videoplayback\?id|videoplayback.*id|videodownload\?|\.flv?) 129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i (get_video\?|videoplayback\?id|videoplayback.*id||videodownload\?|\.flv?) 129600 999999% 129600 ignore-no-cache ignore-private override-expire override-lastmod reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern ytimg\.com.*\.jpg 129600 999999% 129600 override-expire ignore-reload
#SquidCacheAux refresh_pattern end
refresh_pattern -i ^http://.*\.(css|htm|html|ico|js|jsp|xml)$ 1440 80% 999999
refresh_pattern -i ^http://.*\.(bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png)$ 1440 80% 999999 ignore-reload
refresh_pattern -i ^http://.*\.(ace|adt|arj|asf|avi|bin|bz2|bzip|cab|dat|dll|doc|dot|exe|fla|flv|gz|iso|lha|log|lzh|mdb|mid|mov|mp3|mpeg|mpg|msi|mso|ogg|pps|ppt|rar|rm|rtf|shs|src|sys|swf|tgz|tif|ttf|wav|wma|wri|wmv|vpu|vpaa|vqf|vob|zip)$ 43200 100% 999999 ignore-reload

refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320

acl all src
acl localhost src
#acl to_localhost dst

acl SSL_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80
acl Safe_ports port 21
acl Safe_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 70
acl Safe_ports port 210
acl Safe_ports port 8180
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535
acl Safe_ports port 280
acl Safe_ports port 488
acl Safe_ports port 591
acl Safe_ports port 777
acl Safe_ports port 901

acl manager proto cache_object
acl PURGE method PURGE

http_access allow PURGE localhost
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny PURGE
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
acl internal_net src "/usr/local/squid/etc/ipaccess.yes"

#Access deny to Squid ident. header
header_access Via deny all
header_access X-Forwarded-For deny all
header_access Proxy-Connection deny all
header_access Accept-Encoding deny all
http_access allow internal_net
http_access deny all
#http_reply_access allow all
#icp_access allow all
acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache
broken_vary_encoding allow apache
visible_hostname brazilfw
coredump_dir /partition/squid/cache
error_directory /usr/local/squid/share/errors/Spanish
#SquidCacheAux STOREURL start
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list
storeurl_access allow store_rewrite_list_orkut
storeurl_access deny all
storeurl_rewrite_program /etc/SquidCacheAux/storeurl.pl
storeurl_rewrite_children 5
storeurl_rewrite_concurrency 5
#SquidCacheAux STOREURL end
Editado pela última vez por ghost em Qua Set 11, 2013 2:27 pm, em um total de 2 vezes.
Razão: Agregada etiqueta FILE

Re: Ayuda por favor soy un Novato Squid + SCA

Mensagempor expertinfo » Ter Set 03, 2013 6:10 pm

emorze escreveu:Netmask masks away part of the specified IP in '

Muda para :
Código: Selecionar todos
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BFW Add-on Developer
BFW Squid 3.5.x
BFW Beneméritos
BFW Manager
Mensagens: 1507
Registrado em: Ter Jun 19, 2012 12:15 pm
Localização: Caruaru - PE
BrazilFW Box: Máquina Virtual
CPU: Intel Core I7 4790K
Quantidade de Mémoria 10 GB / 1 Link Oi Fibra 200/15 Mega
BFW 3.0.262 x64
Serviços Ativos: MySql
Addons: Squid 3.5.28

Re: Ayuda por favor soy un Novato Squid + SCA

Mensagempor emorze » Qua Set 04, 2013 12:58 pm

Ya migre a

y me sale esto

Stopping Squid ... DONE
Cron will be restarted within the next minute
Flush all old rules or create the chain if it is the first time
Configuring Squid ...
Check Disk Cache Partition ... Mount!
Cron will be restarted within the next minute
Writing squid.conf file
Squid running now!
Flush all old rules or create the chain if it is the first time
Configuring Transparent Proxy to Squid
Forwarding net

Y el SCA sigue sin cachear nada.
Si alguien mepudiera ayudar le agradeceria mucho.

Re: Ayuda por favor soy un Novato Squid + SCA

Mensagempor EugenioNava » Sáb Set 28, 2013 8:24 pm

cache_mem 512 MB --->> 256
maximum_object_size 512000 KB --->> 51200
minimum_object_size 4 KB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 64 KB
cache_dir diskd /partition/squid/cache 22000 16 256 Q1=72 Q2=64 --->> 2200

Creo que estos valores estan muy altos, pienso que deberias empezar por unos mas pequeños y luego
ajustar de acuerdo a tu equipo.-

Otra cosa es el puerto usa el 3128 en vez del 8080.

Tienes que afinar el squid y debe funcionar al 100% para que el SCA haga lo mismo.!
si el squid no funciona tampoco lo hara el SCA.

En el foro hay bastante material sobre SCA + squid... revisalos.
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BFW Very Participative
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Registrado em: Qui Out 05, 2006 6:04 pm
Localização: Naguanagua - Valencia - Venezuela
BrazilFW Box: "La Investigación ha sido mi pasión y refugio...."

Re: Ayuda por favor soy un Novato Squid + SCA

Mensagempor darw » Seg Out 28, 2013 2:29 pm

Hola amigo una sugerencia si tu red es cableada te recomiendo que intentes con brazilfw3 agregando luzca web proxy es una alternativa revisa en el foro hay bastante informacion , suerte y que tengas buen dia dancing
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Registrado em: Sex Ago 21, 2009 9:53 pm
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