Manual on the QOS

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Manual on the QOS

Mensagempor ... » Seg Dez 24, 2007 8:12 pm

Manual on the QOS (Fact for answers of the Fórum)

Version in English

In the Webadministrator, click in “QOS Configuration”.
In this new page, he selects “Coyote init scripts (manual class config)”.
He informs its real tax of Upload and Download.
Click in “Save”

Now in this same page, click in “Qos classrooms”. Vai to open a new page.
Delete all the existing classrooms.
Click in “Create new Class: [QOS Classrooms]”; Vai to open a new page. In this page they are the rules for only 1 IP. Therefore voce will have that to create a rule for each IP that to want to limit.
When to activate the QoS, remembers to create rules for all the microns of the net, therefore the ones that to be of are of the QoS will have only 5% of the guaranteed band; this value is defined as “junk” in the page “QoS configuration” in the field “Default classrooms settings”.

It selects “Simple”
In Parent class ID, places “1: 1”, without the quotations marks. This classroom will have value the same always, 1:1.
In Class ID, it places “1: 10”, without the quotations marks. This classroom will have that to have one I number different for each IP that voce will be to limit.
Former: 1:10, 1:11, 1:12, 1:13 .....

Download Rate: minima guaranteed for each IP is the tax that voce to configure.
Former: if voce has 4 microns in the net, with 256 kbps of line, placing 64 (256/4) voce will equally divide the band between the 4. In case that all the simultaneous microns initiate download, each one will be with in minimo 64kbps, hindering that a micron occupies all the band alone for itself. Valley to remember that if only 1 micron will be using the band, logicamente will have all the 256 for it or what it will be defined in “Download Ceil”

Download Ceil: it is the allowed maximum tax for each IP that voce to configure.
Former: if voce has a line of 256 and to specify in this field 128 for the IP 192.168.0.x, this micron never will pass of this speed, exactly that it has band sobrando.
Upload rate: e Upload Ceil: it only means the same, that pra Upload.

IP or Network: here voce goes to specify the IP that goes to use these rules.
Comments: optional, it serves for voce to know to who if it relates this rule.
Former: computer 1, Flávio, emulate, vendas, to webserver ......

Click in “Submit”.

Now click in “Backup Now” to save the configurations in the record.
If time that voce active the QoS or if voce modified the QoS init type, of one will be 1ª reboot in coyote.
If it only modified values, click in “Reload QoS”.


If voce to want to still make everything the this fastest one, makes the following one:
It goes in webadmin
Click in “Configuration Files”
Click in “QoS Classrooms”
Vai to open a window with a text. It goes until the end of this text.
Voce will go to find the following one:

define_class_qos “1: 1” “1: 10” COMP_DOWN CLEAR_DOWNSTREAM COMP_UP CLEAR_UPSTREAM #Example - With Filters

define_class_sfq “1: 1” “1: 11” COMP_DOWN CLEAR_DOWNSTREAM COMP_UP CLEAR_UPSTREAM #Exemple - Without Filters

define_class_sfq “1: 1” “1: 12” 5 10 5 10 #Example - 5 Kbits Up/Down - Max 10 Kbits

define_class_sfq “1: 1” “1: 13” 5 5 5 5 #Exemple - 5 Kits Up/Down - Max 5 Kbits

It substitutes for this, editing for its necessities:

define_class_sfq “1: 1” “1: 10” 190 300 208 300 192.168.0.x #Comp1

define_class_qos “1: 1” “1: 11” 190 570 208 625 192.168.0.x #Comp2

define_class_sfq “1: 1” “1: 12” 190 570 208 625 192.168.0.x #Comp3


define_class_sfq - > QoS classroom simple son, without filters
define_class_qos - > QoS Classroom son, filtered
1:1 - > Classroom mother, always must be this value
1:10, 1:11,…. - > Classrooms children, one for each IP
1º I number - > Download Rate
2º I number - > Download Ceil
3º I number - > Upload Rate
4º I number - > Upload Ceil
192.168.0.x - > Nº IP of to be limited micron
#Comp - > Comment

Click in “OK”
Now click in “Backup Now” to save the configurations in the record.
If time that voce active the QoS or if voce mudificou the QoS init type, of one will be 1ª reboot in coyote.
If it only modified values, click in “Reload QoS”.


Claude Robert Cussuol.

Voce can create a classroom that takes care of thus to one subrede specifying the IP: Code:


It hoists Man - Brazil.

It lacked this:

To test its true speed of download.
With only one on PC in the net, and with antivirus, windows update and any thing that net uses, also icq, msn, AOL, etc. Va in the pagina and lowers any version of the Kurumin. One remembers, I am only giving an example, therefore the Kurumin is an archive great e of ftp, that says that the band uses better.
It leaves lowering per 5 minutes, thus the speed if it stabilizes.
Agora vc can see the speed maxima that its band has of Download. Serious the speed and cancels download.
We go to say that Kbps gave a speed of 38.
Vc simply it catches this value and it multiplies for 8:
38 x 8 = 304
304 are the real value of its Download that has that for in the QOS.

On the test of Upload, it has varios sites that make this. To put I do not remember myself of none at the moment.
The colleagues of the forum with certainty go to postar.


“… On the test of Upload, it has varios sites that make this. To put I do not remember myself of none at the moment.
The colleagues of the forum with certainty go to postar… “

My contribution:

In special:

Some test that I made: kbps kbps,9 kbps kbps kbps kbps kbps,4 kbps kbps

I do not know to say because of as much disparity between the results.


It hoists Man - Brazil.

Taken off of the Fórum day 18/08/2006

Following this example:
define_class_qos “1: 1” “1: 110” 160 200 40 60 #

160 = it is the set free normal speed for download
200= is the set free maximum speed for download

40= is the set free normal speed for upload
60= is the set free maximum speed for upload

When it is wanted only to divide the band for all, is enough to place an equal value in normal speed and maximum speed. With this, it finishes being limited to that speed.

Now let us say that in the net it has 4 PCs and a real connection of 1000 kbps of download and of upload.
But dividing the band for equal, it would be thus:

define_class_qos “1: 1” “1: 110” 250 250 250 250 #
define_class_qos “1: 1” “1: 120” 250 250 250 250 #
define_class_qos “1: 1” “1: 130” 250 250 250 250 #
define_class_qos “1: 1” “1: 140” 250 250 250 250 #

That is, all of the net kbps of band would have 250/250. Exactly that one of the PCs will not be using its part of the band.

But as to use the band of a PC that this not using at the moment, and when it will be to use to come back the fixed division automatically?

Simple, changing parametro of “maximum speed” for maximum band = 1000

define_class_qos “1: 1” “1: 110” 250 1000 250 1000 #
define_class_qos “1: 1” “1: 120” 250 1000 250 1000 #
define_class_qos “1: 1” “1: 130” 250 1000 250 1000 #
define_class_qos “1: 1” “1: 140” 250 1000 250 1000 #

With this the QOS sabera that band will have itself sobrando at the moment (one of the PCs or more will be using the band), it automatically increases the band “normal speed” for the others that will be using until using the band all.
E when the PC/s that was not using the band to come back to use, the QOS gradual goes to return the potion of band for ele/s.

Now metodo comes pq of being dificil to use this:

P2P, torrent and accelerator of download practically are forbidden.

Reply given for the Claude in another Topic:

Because the QOS seems not to function right when program P2P is used.

It imagines that you have two called usuarios and B.

- The user tá making download adoidado, with emulates and bittorrent, its sets of ten of connections are occupying each bit of the band.
- The using B is stopped.
- Suddenly the B starts to sail for the Internet.
- It imagines that the B types in browser:, at this moment the BrazilFW detects that the B is needing band and starts “to fit” the usuario in a lower rhythm.


For example: to make an user with hundreds of 300 connections “to lower” of kbps/s for 100 kbps/s delay of 30 the 50 seconds. The amount of conexoes influences, to lower a unica great connection is more easy of what lowering hundreds of small connections, it is therefore that to control p2p is dificil of what controlling one simple download made by the IE.

THIS IS NOT DEFICIENCIA OF THE BRAZILFW. The power of the processor of its machine tambem does not have nothing to see with this, does not advance to botar a Pentium IV with 2 mock-ups of RAM to twirl bfw. It is as soon as protocol TCP/IP works and end of papo.

Coming back historinha:
- Bfw perceived that the usuario necessary B of band and to lower download of the user but the this process goes to take 40 seconds.
- After one 23 seconds the small page that the using B had asked for it obtained to pass espremida for link.
- At this moment, for bfw the solicitation of the using B is fulfilled. E as it is not more needing band “fominha” of the usuario It is set free again, and goes going up gradually until sucking everything of new.
- There the using clica B in one of those links of google and the process recommences.

Of the point of view of the using B, to wait 30 seconds to see a simple page of google means that the Internet is one m*rd* of slow.

1) When an user tá making download in the limit and the other is only sailing, this another one only generates “peaks” of demand for band and it does not give time of the system to lower the speed of the first one.

2) When an user tá making download in the limit but the other tambem starts to make one download great, the system HAS TIME to stabilize the thing, and after some seconds, both will be passing through of form joust, each one with its tax.

The conclusion I number 2 in takes them to affirm:
The QOS functions, but it does not make miracle.

The unica form to prevent the problem caused in the conclusion I number 1 is: Not to leave they ninguem (or a group) to monopolize the band total. If you to mount its rules of form that the band is not “saturated” the other users they will have at least a little of “guaranteed” band.

If they alguem to quizer VER a practical example of that I am speaking, installs a limitation program in its proper machine (windows). I suggest netlimiter. Começe to make one download with a high band later binds the limit, you it will see that the program gradually goes lowering the speed and alone after some seconds it obtains to stabilize it in a lower platform.

You he will see in the graph shown for netlimiter, without shade of doubts, that: To diminish the one speed download takes some time.


Claude Robert Cussuol.

Rate X Ceil

CEIL is an absolute limit. E it is obeyed no matter what. If you it determined exactly that the ceil of an IP is 30 this user does not go to pass of 30, that opens 10 a thousand connections using all the programs of p2p of the world.

RATE is a relative limit. It is used “to divide” the band between the classrooms. If you he determined that rate of an user is 10 and rate of the other is 20, does not mean that one will always have 10 and the other always 20. But this means that in the hour to divide the cake, the piece of as the using one will be the double of the piece of the first one. Former: if you band k will have 90 disponivel, the first user will receive 30 k and as 60k, since that not estrapole the ceil, is clearly. On the other hand, if you band k will have only 9 disponivel they will be with 3k and 6k respectively.


Claude Robert Cussuol.

Difference of Simple and Filtered Classroom.

Alem of the division for classrooms, bfw has a system of priorities. A connection can be classified as high, average priority or low.

The system of priorities functions very well, it does not have all that colloquy of time to wait the connection to diminish. The system alone transmits the priority average later that it to finish with the high priority, and alone it transmits the packages with priority low later that it finishes the average.

At the moment, the only form to classify if a connection will have high priority or low it is for I number it of the door. For default, all the connections have normal priority. Unhappyly we do not have as to classify p2p in the priority low because the numeros of door are unexpected. But in compensation it gives to place the protocols most used in the high priority (dns, HTTP, https, pop, smtp, perhaps the ftp…). If you the navigation to make this will have priority on the other uses.

You configure the priorities in page “QOS Filters”. He sees as it would be an example:

fast Y ICMP 0 0 and 0 0 # ICMP protocol
fast Y UDP 53 ffff or 53 ffff #Dns
fast Y tcp 53 ffff or 53 ffff #Dns
fast Y tcp 80 ffff or 80 ffff #Http
fast Y tcp 443 ffff or 443 ffff #Https
fast Y tcp 110 ffff or 110 ffff #Pop3
fast Y tcp 25 ffff or 25 ffff #Smtp
slow Y tcp 4662 ffff or 4662 ffff #eMule p2p software

This example places in the high priority ping (ICMP) and protocols more used. E “tries” to place emulates it in the priority low if the user will be using the door default. Although this attempt to lower emulates it either well inefficient of you to only give high priority for dns, HTTP and email already aid sufficient.

This is alone an example, probably is well incomplete. You must evaluate that other types of connection its users need, former: VNC, RDP, MSN, etc. Another imperfection is that some programs p2p are giving preferencia to use sacanagem door 80 alone.

This history of alone being able to define the priorities for I number it of the door confuses sufficient. In a next future I intend to adapt bfw to be able to define filters for the protocol using l7-filter, the Dolly already I made something similar but he was not as I would like. When we will be able to say that the protocol bittorrent has independent priority low of it numbers of the door this goes to be very good.

In the main page of the QOS, you it defines the percentages that will be disponiveis for each priority. Default is: 30/35/15 but as we direct the HTTP for the high priority, probably we will have MUCH traffic in it, and almost nothing in the low one, this in case that I could suggest that you he modified for 70/25/5. To determine the ideal values is a question to try and to see what it is better for its case.

I said this everything finally to answer its question.

A Simple classroom does not have internal divisions. If you it created a classroom for an IP and determined a 100 band of kpbs, everything that this user to make will be dealt with equally inside this band.

A Filtered classroom has 3 subclasses. The qos automatically create 3 classrooms, children of the classroom that you created, and distribute the 3 bands of priority. In our example, if you it created a classroom with 100kbps for an user the qos will go to create 3 subclasses. One with 70kpbs for the traffic of this user who will be classified as high priority, one with 25kbps for normal traffic and one with 5kpbs for the priority low.

The obvious disadvantage of the classrooms filtered is that they give to 4 times more work for bfw to process. If you it will have many classrooms remembers that the thing can be heavy for its machine. In compensation, you it can have some usandos users the filters and others not. It only depends on the option that you to choose when to create the classroom.

I go to use to advantage the concepts that I wrote here until explaining another frequent doubt:

Which the difference between the Manual QOS and the Automatic one.

In the Manual Qos you create its classrooms defining the band for each IP. With the qos manual you have as to divide the band she enters its users of the skill that to want. Alem of this you have the option to determine if each user goes or not to subdivide its band in accordance with the priority filters.

In the Automatic Qos all the band of its net is treated in a unica classroom, but the filters are used. That is, bfw creates a general classroom with all its band, and subdivides in the 3 subclasses to be able to apply the priority filters. Therefore, exactly that you it does not want to determine limits for its users, valley the penalty to bind the qos in the automatic one and to establish good filters. This aid sufficient in the navigation.

What it is Total and Individual Download/Upload

But to simplify this explanation I go to speak on Download Total and Individual Download, but all the text below valley for the Upload tambem.

TOTAL parameter DOWNLOAD is very important, it determines the maximum speed of its link. The system goes to limit the ADDITION of all in accordance with its customers this tax. With on QOS they ninguem will obtain to make download with bigger speed that this parameter.

You must configure the Total Download with the value of the maximum speed that you get in its link. As an example, a Velox 1000 of telemar costuma to get speeds of download, in the order of 850 kbits/s, therefore using of Velox 1000 must configure its Total Download with value 850. But attention, this is only one example, you must measure the real speed that its link reaches.

In contrast of what some people believe, to configure this parameter with a value above of the Real, not aid. for the the opposite, this confuses the QOS in the hour to make the calculos of it. To place a higher value is only valid case the maximum speed of its link varies very and you it wants to take off advantage of this variation at the moments where the real tax of download will be higher than the waited one.

When if it configures a classroom, you it has the option to inform the parameter “Maximum Donwnload” when you want to say that the tax (or the ceiling) of one determined customers WILL NOT BE LIMITED. That is, you are saying for the QOS that this user will be able to use ALL the available band.

INDIVIDUAL parameter DOWNLOAD represents the speed default that you want to configure for each one of its customers. Normally it is equal to the Total Download divided by numbers it of customers who you have. For example: One link of 512 divided by 8 users gives to a Download equal Invidual the 64 kpbs for each one.

This parameter is well less important, because in the truth it does not limit ninguem, is only one default that it serves as reference case you needs to create many classrooms with the same speed. If you not to create no classroom this parameter will not have effect none.

To configure Individual the Download parameter is not obligator. If you not to quizer to use it, can perfectly leave it blank, this you will not have no effect on the speed of you ninguem. Then, after all for what! this parameter he serves?

The following example imagines: Let us say that you have 100 users, 95 of them go to use the same band, 45kpbs/s. Thus, you configure the Individual Download as 45 and to create the 95 classrooms informing this parameter. The others 5 classrooms can be created with other values, without problems. Now it imagines that in a beautiful day you link made upgrade in its, and now has the double of the speed. You it will not need to modify 95 classrooms, it is enough to regulate the parameter for 90 and all the classrooms will be adjusted for the new value.


Andre Simões.


The filters of the QoS serve to give to preferencia of traffic the definitive doors.
Former: navigation uses HTTP, that is door 80; it emulates uses the 4662.
If voce to configure a filter to give to high priority for door 80 (HTTP), then no package directed to other doors will be sent until all the packages directed for door 80 are sent.
In the case of it emulates it (or any P2P), makes the the opposite: it configures a filter to give low priority to the traffic for this door (4662 or any another one that p2p is using). This means that no package directed to this door will be sent until all the packages directed to any another door are sent.

As to make:

Click in “QoS configurations”
Back in low, click in “QoS Filters”
Voce will find 3 rules preexisting: one for ICMP (active), one for the Windows Remote desktop (disactivated) and one for emulates it (disactivated).
It leaves activated of the ICMP.
In case that voce uses the Windows Remote desktop or it emulates it, it activates the rules; if not to use, can leave they there, disactivated.
It creates rules TCP and UDP for the following doors, goes to speed its navigation:

53 - >DNS (resolution of dominio)
80 - >HTTP (navigation)
443 - >HTTPS (safe navigation)
25 - >SMTP (sending email)
110 - >POP3 (act of receiving email)

Example of rule high priority, HTTP 80. It must in such a way be created rules for TCP as for UDP.

Click in “Create new rule: [QOS to filter rule]”
1 - In “It activates” , it marks “YES”
2 - In “Target QOS Priority class”, marks “High”
3 - In protocol, it selects “TCP”.
4 - In “Remote Port”, it places 80
5 - In “Remote U32 port mask”, selects “single port”
6 - In “Logical Port Comparison”, it selects “At least one of ports must match”
7 - In “Port Place”, it places 80
8 - In “U32 Place port mask”, selects “single port”
9 - In “Comments”, it places HTTP.

Click in submit.

It makes the same to create a rule for UDP. The unica difference is step 3, where voce must select “UDP”.

After to create all the rules, click in “Backup Now” to save the configurations in the record.
If time that voce active the QoS or if voce mudificou the QoS init type, of one will be 1ª reboot in coyote.
If it only modified values, click in “Reload QoS”.


If voce to want to still make everything the this fastest one, makes the following one:

It goes in webadmin
Click in “Configuration Files”
Click in “QoS Filters”
Vai to open a window with a text. It goes until the end of this text.
Voce will go to find the following one:

fast Y ICMP 0 0 and 0 0 # ICMP protocol
fast N tcp 3889 ffff or 3389 ffff #Windows Remote desktop (to client&server)
slow N tcp 4662 ffff or 4662 ffff #eMule p2p software

It does not move in the rule for ICMP
The others two voce can erase, activate or dexar as it is. It depends on its necessities.
Cole the following one soon below of them.

fast Y tcp 53 ffff or 53 ffff #DNS
fast Y tcp 80 ffff or 80 ffff #HTTP
fast Y tcp 443 ffff or 443 ffff #HTTPS
fast Y tcp 25 ffff or 25 ffff #SMTP
fast Y tcp 110 ffff or 110 ffff #POP3
fast Y UDP 53 ffff or 53 ffff #DNS
fast Y UDP 80 ffff or 80 ffff #HTTP
fast Y UDP 443 ffff or 443 ffff #HTTPS
fast Y UDP 25 ffff or 25 ffff #SMTP
fast Y UDP 110 ffff or 110 ffff #POP3

I go to give plus an example; in mine in case that I left the intocadas original rules. It will have to be thus:

fast Y ICMP 0 0 and 0 0 # ICMP protocol
fast N tcp 3889 ffff or 3389 ffff #Windows Remote desktop (to client&server)
slow N tcp 4662 ffff or 4662 ffff #eMule p2p software
fast Y tcp 53 ffff or 53 ffff #DNS
fast Y tcp 80 ffff or 80 ffff #HTTP
fast Y tcp 443 ffff or 443 ffff #HTTPS
fast Y tcp 25 ffff or 25 ffff #SMTP
fast Y tcp 110 ffff or 110 ffff #POP3
fast Y UDP 53 ffff or 53 ffff #DNS
fast Y UDP 80 ffff or 80 ffff #HTTP
fast Y UDP 443 ffff or 443 ffff #HTTPS
fast Y UDP 25 ffff or 25 ffff #SMTP
fast Y UDP 110 ffff or 110 ffff #POP3

Click in “OK”
Now click in “Backup Now” to save the configurations in the record.
If time that voce active the QoS or if voce mudificou the QoS init type, of one will be 1ª reboot in coyote.
If it only modified values, click in “Reload QoS”.

OBS: The classrooms have that to be in Filtered way so that “filters QOS” function!

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