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Tutorial Index

MensagemEnviado: Sex Dez 12, 2008 9:42 pm
por Lelouch
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BrazilFW Basics
How To : Installing Add-ons
How to create your BrazilFW floppy
Squid - Starter guide
How-to BrazilFW oficial (bridge mode)

Adding sub-nets to BrazilFW
Tutorial Mini of IP tables

SNORT – A network intrusion detection system ADD-ON
Updating BrazilFW using SCP
OpenVPN Road Warrior
OpenVPN LAN to LAN How To
Using ettercap for a secure network
How to recover a lost password of BrazilFW
How to make a SSH Tunnel using BrazilFW

Apache + PHP + MySQL FAQ English
IPTRAF – A network statistics utility
Bandwidth - A network statistics utility

Reset your ADSL modem when it freezes
Delete/Refresh Cache files and Logs files, of Sarg and Squid
Change the way that BrazilFW connects to Internet
How to know the port number of any app or web page
Suggested: Site list to lock using proxy.

How to add a FTP client to BrazilFW
How to use SCP
Find your BFW machine from anywhere in the world

Wireless BrazilFW – How To
Load balancing
Share printer using the BrazilFW
How to send e-mails using BrazilFW
Configure DHCP to run over multiple networks
How to add the HDParm add-On to the BrazilFW.

Manual on the QOS
How to block ports. Stop ARES and another P2P.
How to limit bandwidth with BrazilFW
How to use CONLIMIT to limit connections
Sites suggested to be blocked by proxy

Adding an L.C.D. (Liquid Cristal Display) to BFW Server.
WOL (WakeOnLAN) over Internet

How to Install ArgentoQoS & ArgentoBR using VMware
Why when using the SQUID the QOS does not control UPLOAD?
Creating BrazilFW hd image to use in qemu, VirtualBox etc.
Using Microsoft Virtual PC to run Brazil FW on a Windows PC

How to Identify Your Nic (Hints and Utilities)
Supported NICs Brazil Firewall

Updated: 2008.12.14 at 18:58