Este index foi refeito:
- - Index Add-Ons BFW 2.x
- - Network (monitoring and administration? Fusionable tal vez con System maintenance?)
- - ArpView - Control Usuarios On-line
- - athsta.tgz - WebAdmin front-end
- - athap.tgz - WebAdmin front-end
- - bandwidthd.tgz - Monitor your network
- - bc - an arbitrary precision calculator language
- - Bmom - Linux Bandwidht Monitor
- - bmt.tgz - Bandwidth Monitoring Tool
- - bwm.tgz - A realtime bandwidth monitor for BFW
- - Cutter
- - ettercap
- - Formsend - Formulario de contato do cliente para EasyCaptive
- - HotSpot
- - Intrusos
- - Iperf
- - iptraf.tgz - A console-based network monitoring utility
- - Limiting Connection
- - Load balancing check
- - Natdet
- - NetCat for BrazilFW
- - NetStrain - Both a network throughput testing tool
- - Nmap
- - p0f
- - redialer-2.38.tgz - Redials PPP when dropped, etc. - Broken Link
- - Simon 2.0.6, A realtime IP bandwidth monitor for BFW.
- - tcpdump.tgz - TCPDUMP console based network monitoring
- - toptools.tgz - System and network monitoring tool
- - UPnP.tgz Allow computers to discover and use network devices
- - watchdogip 1.0
- - wavemon.tgz - Monitor for wireless devices
- - Zebra
- - Split.tgz - Split traffic by port, ip, etc.
- - TCP Track - Connection tracking utility
- - Netstat-nat.tgz 1.4.9
- - Internet
- - Bind 9.5 - Cache DNS
- - DansGuardian - award winning web content filtering proxy
- - Dns cache on Hard Disk
- - IMSNIFF - tracking MSN
- - Imspector 1.2 For 2.x - Suporte a msn 2011
- - IMSpector versão 1.1 - Instant Messengers Control
- - IpUpdate
- - MySAR - Gerador de Relatorios Realtime
- - Openvpn.tgz - OpenVPN (VPN Server)
- - PoPToP (PPTP) - VPN Server
- - Sarg - Squid Analysis Report Generator
- - SquidNow - Squid logs view in Real Time
- - Squid - A web proxy and cache
- - SqStat - Monitoring of conections Squid in Real Time
- - TCP Outgoing for Squid + Load Balance
- - Tinyproxy
- - Libraries
- - Libpcap
- - Libncurses
- - libcrypto
- - libxml2
- - libpthread
- - Hardware
- - ACPID - Soft Power Button Shut-Down
- - Addnic - Auto detect and install compatible nic modules.
- - HardwareLister - Provide detailed information on the hardwar
- - PCI Utilities - displays detailed information about all PCI
- - Miscellaneous
- - Automation 1.1 - Cadastramento de clientes
- - FTP Client
- - msmtp - email sender:: Gmail support (STARTTLS/SSL)
- - Hard Disc Beta (HDB)
- - usbserial - USB Modem Driver (Vivo Zap e Tim)
- - pure-ftpd.tgz - FTP server
- - Perl addon - A Huge Addon For BFW with Argento Series
- - cative.tgz - redirecionamento temporario
- - cative.tgz - redirecionamento temporario com autenticação
- - Addon Samba
- - keyboard - Layout config
- - Find command
- - System maintenance
- - aai.tgz => Automatic Addons Installer
- - BFWupdater
- - Easy Backup 1.0
- - File - "a file type guesser"
- - ISOBurn's - ISO lista para quemar con TODA config incluida..
- - mc.tgz - Midnight Commander (Norton Commander clon) console
- - mkrrdmenu.tgz - Make RRD Menu automatically
- - pkg.Installer
- - SSH Client
- - Unison - File-Synchronization Tool for Unix and Windows.
- - WebPutty
That´s all! - - Last Edition
- - 02-05-2009 - IMSNIFF - tracking MSN & Bind 9.5 by gamba47
- - 02-05-2009 - Split.tgz - Split traffic by port, ip, etc. by gamba47
- - 02-09-2009 - Libpthread by gamba47
- - 04-09-2009 - MySAR - Gerador de Relatorios Realtime by gamba47
- - 04-09-2009 - TCP Track - Connection tracking utility by gamba47
- - 04-09-2009 - IMSpector - Instant Messengers Control by gamba47
- - 04-19-2009 - Netstat & Iptraf 3.0.1
- - 08-05-2009 - SqStat - Monitoring of conections Squid in Real Time by gamba47
- - 10-14-2009 - TCP Outgoing for Squid + Load Balance & Limiting Connection by gamba47
- - 12-12-2009 - bwm.tgz - A realtime bandwidth monitor for BFW. . gamba47
- - 04-21-2012 - Inicio da reformulação do "Add-Ons Index BFW 2.x" por Reginaldo.
- - 04-28-2012 - Término da reformulação do "Add-Ons Index BFW 2.x" por Reginaldo.
- - 17-01-2014 - Inicio da reformulação do FTP para os Add-Ons do BFW 2.x por Reginaldo.